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Stay at Home Blogger Tag


Getting back in the swing of things this week and it feels great to be back! I was tagged by the lovely Dellybird to take part in the Stay at Home Blogger tag and I feel like this is the perfect tag to do post returning from hiatus seeing as the lockdown was one of the reasons I had to take a break for a bit. You can check out Delly’s post here.

1. Laying in bed — A book you read in one day

by Stephanie Garber

I’d been hearing a lot of excitement for this book’s release and then it happened to be in my very first (or not far off I don’t think) FairyLoot box! The cover sold me immediately but the premise intrigued me as well. I loved the setting and I found it very interesting and I just couldn’t put it down which coincided with my son having a nice long nap or two meaning I managed to sit down and devour the entire thing in one day which is not something I manage to do often.

2. Snacking – A book that is a ‘guilty pleasure’ read

by Stephanie Meyer 

I had an absolute thing for anything Vampires when I was younger and I picked up Eclipse while browsing a book store because I thought it looked interesting, brought it, went to read it when I got home and discovered it was in-fact the third book. I ordered the first book and read the first few chapters of Midnight Sun to tide me over while I waited for it to arrive; when it finally did arrive I was absolutely hooked. I know it is full of problems and honestly the writing is certainly not the best but I love it regardless and it took me far too long to be not ashamed of that.

3. Netflix — A series that you want to start


The Wayfarer Series by Becky ChambersThis a tough one as there are SO many. I think maybe the Wayfarer series is very very high on my list for sure. I’ve heard such great things about it and it ticks so many of my boxes but I want to make sure I have the time to read all of them one after the other when I finally get to them and as such it’s kind of been stuck waiting. I’ll get around to it this year for sure though.


4. Deep clean — A book that has been on your TBR for ages


Outside in by Maria V. Snyder

I love Maria’s work, I’ve yet to read a book by her I didn’t enjoy and the first in this duology is no exception but I think it took a fair while before the second book came out and although the first one ended on such a huge cliff hanger I had kind of forgotten about by the time it released. I did get it over a year after it’s release in the end but still haven’t got around to it yet, I also think I’ll need to reread Inside out first as well.

5. Animal Crossing — A book you recently bought because of the hype


Bonds of Brass by Emily Skrutskie
I haven’t brought a book purely because of ‘hype’ in a long while, but I hadn’t heard of this until a few of my twitter friends were sharing around excerpts and some brilliant early reviews. What started as “Finn x Poe fanfic gets made into a book” from some people turned into something even better and a book I can’t wait to read!


6. Productivity — A book you learned from or had an impact on you

Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

This was a book I didn’t know I needed at a time I needed it. If you haven’t read it and plan to however I would warn that it can be a hard and triggering book in places. It defintley changed my outlook on my life and mental health though.


7. FaceTime — A book you were gifted


Deck of Omens by Christine Lynn Herman

One of my most anticpated reads this year, I was so pleased to have been gifted this early copy of The Deck of Omens, complete with blue sprayed edges and cards from the deck of omens itself! I loved this conclusion to the story of four paths and I’m hoping to have my review up by next week if all goes well.

8. Self-care — What is one thing you have done recently to look after yourself

I’ve been a little easier on myself recently. Not always for the better but I’ve kind of accepted that sometimes I had bad days and I just try and do what I can with them. Some days all I manage to really achieve is having a shower or sketching. I’m really enjoying being a little more creatitive recently. I’ve got back into drawing and painting as well as debating trying my hand at cross stitching again. Sometimes you just need to do what you can to stay sane.

BONUS — An upcoming release you are looking forward to


Star Wars Poe Dameron: Free Fall by Alex Segura

A huge thank you to El for bringing this to my attention! It had completley slipped under my radar but I am so excited to have been accepted to read an early copy. I had decided not to take on any new reviews recently but I just couldn’t help it for this one. I’m a big Poe fangirl and there was no chance I would have been able to resist! Its Due out Aug 4th so keep an eye out for a review closer to the time!

And there we have it! The stay at home book blogger tag. I won’t tag anyone in particular but feel free to give it a go and let me know so I can check out your responses! Have a great Thursday and I’ll see you back here Sunday for the latest Six for Sunday post!